date : 24-11-12 02:29
 writer : xedodax820
view : 14 [10]
The International College Programming Competition (ICPC) symposium described that the world's trend towards AI is unstoppable. The development of various technologies such as chips and computing power has promoted the arrival of the intelligent era. The turning point of the era lies in the application of AI; however, the rapid development of AI has already It is beneficial to society, but it also puts pressure on society. However, he believes that in the development process of human society, any progress has challenges; as a technical expert, although he cannot solve social problems, he can promote technological progress and create more wealth.

As for those who worry that artificial intelligence will produce souls, Ren Zhengfei believes that such a situation will not occur within 30 years, and humans will still have to create the world. As for the development of cutting-edge science and technology, Ren Zhengfei explained that the main philosophy in the industrial revolution era is metaphysics, which is Mechanical materialism has produced many theorems and formulas, allowing Europe, Japan and other places to produce a lot of excellent engineering machinery to serve the world; in the future, it will enter the information world, and a higher philosophical level will be needed to study the realization of the world.


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